Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Poster Project

For my project, I decided to do a propaganda poster.


  1. I really like the poster, it's very conceptually interesting and I really want to but it. However, the two things tat I would change is to make the text "we bring the order" a little higher because it becomes a afterthought in the piece, the other thing that I would do is to make that foreground shape a little lighter so that way I can see what it is.

  2. Ah, Anonymous, it's been a while since I've seen those guys. I like this feel, and how the poster gets darker as it goes from top to bottom. I love the focus being the Earth and the silhouette of the headless man in the center is very striking - symbolism that there is no leader in Anonymous perhaps? Anyway what is bothersome is the coloring in the font at the top. Because of it's fade from grey to black it makes it harder to read at some places, mostly when overlapping the Earth image. With everything else being so straight and horizontal, the top text stands out because of it's slant. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it could have been worked a bit better, maybe by changing the coloration.

  3. I love the design and idea of Anonymous. It looks very very cool. But the text and the font on the middle doesn't look visible. That and maybe the poster is too dark, but not in a tedious way. Other than that, great poster.

  4. I think you did a good job at creating a definitive tone in this poster. There is a creepy/ominous sense to it, with a very repetitive, cookie-cutter like effect with the figures. What changes everything (I think for the better) in the design is the only color in the poster-the earth. This gives a sense of life amidst the cold-repetitiveness. The next place I go when looking at your poster is the faces of the anonymous figures. This is because after the color in the earth, the black and white and modulating grays are the next highest area of contrast. The layout of these two high contrasting areas, in the top third, center, and along the lower middle section of the design-is a nice distribution of the focal point. Some things that you could improve: The black foreground figure, which I now realize is the body of an anonymous figure, needs more clarity, as I wasn't sure at first what this shape was. I get what you are doing by creating the sense that the earth is in the place of the figure's head, but because of the little contrast between the black and the color of the earth, this gets lost. I think the many gray values in the poster get a little overpowering, and it could be nice to bring some subtle color into it, while maintaining that drab muted effect. What if the flag in the background was made of muted, grayed out reds and whites instead of just gray? It would do the same thing but give the poster a little more energy and temperature. The fonts-I think both go with your concept well- but maybe you use one of these fonts in different styles. The top text is a little stronger than the bottom. I would try to make the bottom text a little more intense to get the sense of the order that this group is talking about.
